United States Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand


The New Office Building for the United States Embassy called for a building to represent America’s presence abroad, to convey the dignity, friendliness and accessibility of its government and provide a pleasurable and secure environment for the staff and visitors of the embassy.

The commission included a master plan for the ten-acre site and for the future addition of an office annex and ambassador’s residence.

The design of the compound arranges the buildings focused around a luxuriant garden with water features reclaimed from remnants of Bangkok’s traditional ‘Klongs’ which had existed on the site.

First to be built were the long five-story high office wing, the entry pavilion and gate, service facility and perimeter wall.

The elongated façade of the offices, with windows which are small for security reasons, is contrasted by the larger scaled façade and openings of the entry pavilion. Exterior walls are of white marble and stucco, typical of the area and are sheltered by prominent roof overhangs.


Location: Bankok, Thailand

Status: Complete 1996

Size: 150,000 SF

Type: Civic, Office

Landscape Architecture, April 1999
World Architecture, February 1998


Images © Esto / Tim Griffith